The text printed on the bar code is called from the database information, so it is not fixed.
When the number of fields printed on the bar code changes, the width of the bar code will certainly change, this is not fixed.
If you want the width of the bar code fixed, it is necessary to fix the bar code field number.
When the number of fields is fixed, the bar code field is restricted according to the code system of the bar code. The following situations are listed:
1. After you fix the bar code field number, it is best to fix the number and letter sort, for example, you see the following data:
If you look closely, you will find that the first five digits are numbers, digits 6-9 are letters, and digits 10-12 are numbers. In this way, no matter what code system you choose (CODE128, CODE39, CODE93, etc.), the width of the bar code will be the same.
2. When your bar code field number is fixed, and the printed field content is the same, for example, are all the same color of numbers or letters, so that no matter which code system you use, the width of the generated bar code will be the same, and the code system is independent.
3. If your bar code has a fixed number of fields, but the order of the fields is numeric or alphabetically scrambled, then you need to select the “code128 code-B” symbol set for encoding (note that other character sets CODE39, CODE93, or Code128 are not applicable).